Steps to learn English


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    The only correct way to learn English and even professionalism

    The most correct and best way to learn English

    The method is a step-by-step process, and there are no ways to learn any language. Rather, it is one way to learn English or any language, and it is the best way to learn any language, not only the English language. It is limited to 12 steps to learn English from beginning to professionalism and easily.

    an introduction

    You may have asked yourself about the best ways to learn the English language, and unfortunately it is only one way to learn the English language, not other ways.

    Learn English easily

    The method that I present to you teaches you the English language easily.

    How to learn English fluently

    If you are looking to learn English for beginners from the beginning to professionalism, this is the only way that will benefit you to learn the English language until professionalism, and it is  12 steps that will help you learn English fluently and you can learn English from home.

    Steps to learn English

    Today we will present a model of 12 studied scientific steps away from the bullshit on the scene. I assume that you are a person who is really serious about learning the English language and possesses persistence and sincerity in your desire. English or any language is one way, not ways.
    I think you searched on the Internet for a way to learn the English language, and you  certainly searched for these words and found an extraordinary amount of discussions on this topic that arouses the desire and ire of new graduates and those who want to be promoted, but was all this true?
    • The best way to learn English quickly.
    • Learn English easily.
    • How to learn English fluently.
    • How do I learn English at home.
    • How do I learn English conversation.
    • Learn English for beginners.
    • How to learn English until professionalism.
    • Learn English from the beginning until professionalism with a 100% guarantee.
    I also believe that you have found many people advising you to start with words and learn the most common words in the English language. Increase your linguistic collection of words and vocabulary, and then memorize the rules and link the vocabulary of the English language that you have learned through the rules that you also have memorized. Of course, this is how you will learn the English language, but in the end you will find yourself in front of:
    • I have many words of the English language, but I forget them and do not stick in memory!
    • I can't understand English from foreign movies!
    • Although I know English grammar and vocabulary, I am white and fair!
    The way you learned the English language is probably wrong or inappropriate.
    Ok what is right!
    This is our topic today: 12 scientific steps to learn English, French, and any language in the world!

    The best and only way to learn English 

    1. Hear sentences, not sentences
    2. Listen to sentences and type in them (meaning what) means, for example, she likes hand ball
    3. Kind of how to make it. She likes football
    4. Listen and talk Find short conversations and live.
    5. Hear longer conversations and live your life.
    6. Reading Search for short stories, extract vocabulary from them, learn and memorize them, and they will soon be fixed in your brain.
    7. Grammar Get an idea of ​​grammar without going too deep.
    8. Writing Write about your life or your diaries.
    9. Watch English films and programs without subtitles, and strive to understand and translate them.
    10. Speak English with any foreign person, your teacher, or English chat.
    11. Write more variedly and longer.
    12. Accent and pronunciation focused on it from the first step to the last step.
    Do you imagine that after all these steps you will make a mistake in learning English? I think it will be a way to become more in-depth in the language, and even with time you will develop into an expert.
    For better learning, we advise you to visit The American English channel, which has an advanced level of experience in learning many languages ​​that will lead you to professionalism.


    Don't you ask when you will finish this step, but rather enjoy the step that I attended you in, and when you are ready for the next step, you will automatically know this from yourself.

    How to learn English * simple way

    This is the best and only way to learn English.

    12 steps to learn English

    1. Listen sentences not words.
    2. Listen sentences and mix it.
    3. Listen and speak short conversation.
    4. Listen Long conversations.
    5. Read short story.
    6. Take a tour about grammar.
    7. Write about every thing in your life.
    8. Watch English movies without translation.
    9. Talk English with English man may be within chat.
    10. Write more and more.
    11. Pronunciation  and Accent from the 1 : 12 step.
    12. Congratulations .

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