5 Article Rewriting And Spinning Tools For Copywriting

Copywriting requires creating content from all angles, tones, and understanding of the audience. However, good copy depends greatly on how the writer fashions their words to deliver the idea.

That’s one of the main reasons spinning and rewriting is common among writers. Today, we’ll define the two rewriting types and talk about the best tools for them. So, let’s get started.

What Is Article Rewriting

Article rewriting is the process of rewriting an article in order to improve the content. It is often used by people who are not confident in their writing skills and want to create high-quality content. The process involves finding a suitable article, reading it, and then rewriting it using one’s own words.

However, compared to paraphrasing, rewriting an article has a few key differences, such as:

  • Instead of paraphrasing, rewriting requires a total revamp of the content.
  • Rewriting content might mean renewing or updating the information present in the original.
  • Rewriting an article is more about achieving better clarity.

One benefit of article rewriting is that it is a quick way to create quality content. Particularly because you can do it without having to do much research or spend too much time writing. It’s also one of the ways professional writers avoid plagiarism or other issues with their content.

In some cases, people might consider content revisions as rewriting too. However, rewriting is top-to-bottom renewal, whereas paraphrasing, revisions, or rephrasing are more about fixing bits and chunks of content.

Article Rewriting Vs. Article Spinning

Spinning an article is a process of reusing the article in order to make it look like it was written by someone else. There are various reasons why people might want to do this, such as trying to avoid duplicate content penalties or getting more views on their website.

There are many tools that can be used for spinning an article that is most commonly synonymous with this process. this practice has been around for over a decade now and has been a vital process of reusing older content. So, how is it any different than rewriting?

  • The article can be spun more than once, and it can be used countless times.
  • Article rewriting is done once to achieve better clarity or remove plagiarism.

The difference is that you can spin an article many times. You can reuse the same idea in different delivery and word it differently. Whereas article rewriting is done for a specific objective or goal.

So, the key difference is not only the intention but also the repetition and the process of rewriting.

5 Article Rewriting and Spinning Tools for Copywriting

Copywriters take all the assistance they can get from AI writing tools. This section will tell you about the best 5 article rewriters available today. Now, without further ado, let’s get started.

1.  ArticleRewriter.net

ArticleRewriter.net is one of the leading tools in this conversation today. It’s a remarkable option for copy and content writers, as it doesn’t only offer quality but quantity as well. Considering its ability to rewrite 1000-words at a time, it’s quite a formidable addition to any writer’s gear.

Besides that, the tool offers three content modes, which are good for:

  • Word changer ensures your content has much more depth and quality.
  • Sentence changer rewriters sentences to achieve better clarity & fluency.
  • Plagiarism remover rephrases efficiently to remove duplicity.

Each of these types is essential for a copywriter, and this tool ensures that they get it. Besides, it also supports various languages, all of which can help writers of other languages.

2. PrePostSEO’s Article Rewriter

PrePostSEO is one of the most familiar names in the world of writing. It has an outstanding array of tools, and its article rewriter is one of them. It’s a remarkable tool for many reasons. One of them is the unbending quality it provides in rewriting text.

Offering four different content modes (one in premium mode), the tool can help you rewrite your copy or spin it quite efficiently. Besides that, it’s chockfull of interesting options, such as:

  • Content modes, as mentioned before.
  • Various supported languages.
  • Google Drive support—the only tool to do so on this list.
  • Outstanding rewriting abilities.

Now, PrePostSEO is a standard bearer in such tools. Therefore, it’s no surprise that their article rewriter is quite the intriguing option for writers. So, whether you wish to spin or rewrite it, it’s one of the best options available today.

3.SEOToolStation’s Article Rewriter

SEOToolStation’s article rewriter is another capable option. It may not be the most feature-rich option, but it does efficiently get the job done. Besides that, the tool is easy to look at and doesn’t offer any intricate UI elements.

However, a lack of options in content modes or languages is a little bit of a drawback. So, the only reason it’s number three on this list is its ability to rewrite efficiently. So, if you’re okay with that, this tool is quite an interesting option.


BestRewriter.com is yet another tool that a copywriter can depend on. This tool is perhaps the one with the most options on this list, and that makes it an interesting choice for writers. The first thing you’ll notice is that the tool serves the level of rewriting required.

Then, you can also rearrange your sentences if you like. Besides that, you can rewrite 1500 words with it, and these factors make it seem like a good rewriter.

5.TurboSEOTools’ Article Rewriter

TurboSEOTools’ Article Rewriter is the last tool on our list and falls on the simpler side. It doesn’t have many options except an exceedingly easy UI design that tells you exactly what to do.

As for the quality, it’s quite efficient at rewriting the articles you put into it. This makes it one of the acceptable choices for content and copywriters.


These are the five best tools a copywriter can use to spin or rewrite their articles. Not only do they offer simplicity, but also easiness in rewriting the content. Besides that, all these tools are quite quick, so you don’t have to worry about saving time. 


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