Hidden secrets in the lives of the rich

The key to building wealth is seeing the biographies of the wealthy who built themselves, because knowing the habits and behaviors of real estate and property owners is the key to your secret fund. If you aspire to become rich one day, here are the top secrets that any self-made millionaire knows and can therefore use to build your own wealth: 

You cannot get rich just with your salary 

There is no denying that you can advance your career to a certain level. But at some point you will have to stop and your financial income will stop growing. The wealthy and financially savvy know that the way to increase wealth is to make your money work for you. 

The author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad bases his financial philosophy on this strategy. The best way to get rich is to create (active) channels through which you can earn continuous income. 

These assets can be dividends, real estate rents, business revenue, and any work that you don't have to do on a daily basis. To be successful in making money for you, you must learn how to manage it.

Becoming rich requires a completely different mindset than that of an employee. The employee works to increase the wealth of the employer. 

 So, if you are planning to get rich, think about your own business from now on. Keep your day job, but start taking an interest in your work. One of the secrets of wealth is work and employment to learn, not work just for money. “A lot of people in the middle class think that starting a business is too risky,” said financial analyst Robert Wilson. 

 While the rich realize that the biggest risk is letting your boss decide how much you pay and how much you earn. The author of "Rich Dad and Poor Dad" believes that it is best for anyone to start their own business or go bankrupt before they are over 30, as it is possible to recover quickly from bankruptcy at this age. 

 Don't spend money to buy other people's likes 

 The living standards of our time have been turned upside down and transformed into material life. Be careful not to fall into this trap that prevents most people from advancing financially, regardless of income level. Know that most rich people don't spend their time and money to impress others.

Because they know they are successful, so they don't care what other people think. In fact, many wealthy people will not become rich if they spend their hard-earned money on things that others can buy. Living below their means and rejecting an extravagant lifestyle is one of the biggest secrets of America's richest millionaires. 

So if you want to make progress in the financial aspect of your life, you have to give up most of the bad behaviors and habits that affect your income. 

Understand the difference between value and price 

Price is the amount a buyer pays for acquiring a product, while value is the interest he gets after acquiring that product. What most people don't realize is that the "price" is what a person pays in terms of effort and labor to get that amount (eg 6 hours of work/full wages...), and is it worth paying for the expected value.

Price and value differ from person to person, even though the good or service is the same, so “price” means the effort (both material and moral) that each person makes to provide it is different. 

from a person to another. In addition, everyone has different perceptions of the value they will get from the same good/service, depending on different criteria and priorities. 

One of the secrets of the rich is that they look at value, not price, so they are wise in their financial decisions. 

 It is also your awareness 

Write down your ideas and goals 

What sets successful people apart from others is that they write down their thoughts and goals. You can also move forward with confidence towards your financial success if you have specific goals and a clear vision. 

You should make a notebook to record your thoughts big and small. Thomas Corley, author of Rich Habits: The Everyday Habits of the Rich, notes that 67% of the rich ask for goals and 81% make a to-do list. 

If you want to get your feet on the right track, you need to write down your goal and make a plan to achieve it.


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