Marketing Automations Role In Building a Connected Revenue Funnel


Digital marketing in the 21st century is all about two things--constant connectivity and timely marketing triggers. For a brand to scale, it must reduce time-to-action based on user data, which fortunately can be done through marketing automation, saving you time while improving results.

BY Tedxy.

Marketing Automation's Role in Building a Connected Revenue Funnel .

Let's look at three ways to automate your digital marketing funnel to improve time-to-action, maintain connections, and generate desirable user actions for growth.

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#1: Automated email campaigns

Email automation tools such as Sendinblue and Mailchimp are helpful in allowing you to constantly keep your brand at the top of your consumers' minds. Do you have special offers, seasonal discounts, or great news to share? You can create an automated drip email campaign to engage your audience using behavioral triggers.

You can activate custom follow-up emails based on the following behaviors:

1.Did not open email

2.Email opened without action

3.Clicked the link/web visit 4.Action triggered

5.Abandoned cart

This automated follow-up methodology will improve your brand's connectivity with your audience while increasing the conversion rate of your email marketing campaign for augmented results.

#2: Automated retargeting campaigns

Your website is an integral part of your brand's conversion funnel. If someone lands on your website via Google, social media, email campaigns, or referral platforms, they are a high-intent user. This is the perfect time to trigger your brand recall through retargeted ads.

In retargeting, you can showcase your brand's ads to this audience through social media and Google Display Network for maximum brand exposure and recall. Hubspot's blog post on how to run retargeting ads is an excellent guide for all marketers and entrepreneurs looking to reduce churn and increase conversions.

In a nutshell, this is what you'll be doing:

1.Create an ad campaign for Facebook or Google Display Network.

2.Optimize your content and calls to action (CTAs) for the page visitors you're targeting

3.Upload a custom list in the audience manager or retarget website visitors

4.Add UTM tracking for transparency (the snippets of text added to a URL address to aid in tracking)

5.Launch and monitor your campaign for success metrics. 

#3: Push notification automation

For mobile apps, push notifications are an incredible resource to re-engage app users who are inactive or have abandoned a purchase process mid-way. Using software such as PushPro and MoEngage, you can create automated push notification triggers and events to improve your active user metrics, reduce churn, and increase app conversions.

Here's how to automate your push notifications:

1- Segment your push notification campaign by audience.

2.New visitors

3.Inactive users

4.Abandoned cart users

5.All users (for deals and vouchers)

6. Design your push notification campaign for each segment

7.Establish notification triggers and events based on user actions

8.  Establish recurring or scheduled notification triggers

9.  Monitor results and reporting

Push notifications are a great way to maintain your customer lifetime value (CLV) for products. It helps you focus on generating new users while automatically working to keep your user retention rates continuously high.

The feedback loop

These three marketing channels are the easiest and quickest to automate while providing a high return on investment. It is crucial to remember that despite this automation, you should continue iterating for success. Data-driven optimization and feedback loops are crucial to scale your marketing revenue ad returns on investments (ROI).

When automating your ads, emails, or push notifications, do the following:

1. A/B test your campaigns for optimization .

2. Consistently change your messaging and offer based on global consumer trends

3.Leverage campaign data to generate performance-driven hypotheses. Then test these hypotheses and complete the feedback loop.

Test out these three automation actions and see what difference they make for your engagement and revenue growth. When done correctly, automation can help you scale without increasing your workload.


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